Alvin ISD Serves

Alvin ISD Serves logo

During the month of November, be on the lookout for bright green “Alvin ISD Serves” shirts throughout the community! Alvin ISD Serves,  a new community service initiative, kicks off on November 1st with schools and departments completing service projects throughout the month. 

“Alvin ISD Serves is  a way to give back to the community who gives so much to us,” shared Alvin ISD Superintendent Carol Nelson. “Our schools and departments have done a fantastic job coming up with unique and helpful service project ideas.”

Each campus and department have service projects planned that meet the needs of their immediate school community. You will see Alvin High School Performing Arts students performing for dementia patients at First Presbyterian Church, JB Hensler Auto Tech students offering auto exterior only detail & safety systems inspections, Alvin Elementary 1st graders creating thank you notes to distribute at the Fire Station and EMS, Mary Marek kindergarteners creating kindness rocks to be placed around the neighborhood, and so much more!

“The particular project doesn’t matter. It’s more about expressing gratitude to the community who gives us so much, and even more so, it is about instilling a heart to serve in our students,” said Nelson.

Watch our social media throughout the month as Alvin ISD Serves our wonderful community! 
