Vision & Beliefs
District Vision
Each Student, Every Day.
District Mission
Alvin ISD, a dynamic learning organization, is committed to excellence for each student and every program.
We believe students achieve their maximum potential when provided engaging learning opportunities.
We believe parents expect excellence in educational experiences that will make each child's goals become achievable.
We believe teachers create a safe and engaging learning environment that fosters the success of each student.
We believe campus leaders establish a climate where everyone matters by creating a culture of pride and ownership in their schools.
We believe the central office provides the foundation to equip staff with resources in a supportive environment so that each student has the opportunity to thrive.
We believe the Board of Trustees engages the community to create an environment where excellence is prioritized to ensure each student reaches his or her maximum potential.
Board & District Goals
Teaching and Learning
Student academic performance on local, state and national exams will reflect continuous improvement and excellence in learning.
Emphasis will be placed on strategies aimed at closing the
achievement gap for at-risk, emergent bilingual, special education, and economically disadvantaged students. Students will have access to extensive advanced academic offerings and programs designed to provide college credit.
Courses in Career and Technology Education will be emphasized as students complete 4-year graduation plans in order to advance students on a post-secondary college and career path.
Our Team
Alvin ISD will attract and retain the highest quality teachers and staff and support their efforts through gaining meaningful feedback.
Competitive district salary schedules, benefits, and a quality environment for teaching and learning will be emphasized.
Meaningful professional development opportunities will be provided that support school district goals and continuous professional growth for all personnel.

Safety and Care/Wellness
Alvin ISD will provide and support safe instructional programs that represent the importance of public education within the community, and allow for a high quality education.
Facilities will be designed and operated in an efficient and responsible manner.
Stakeholder input will be sought for new instructional programs proposed by the district.
Communications and Stakeholder Engagement
Alvin ISD will actively engage stakeholders and the district communities in the education process of our students.
Emphasis will be placed on opportunities for parents and community members to become active campus volunteers.
Parents and community members will be sought out for positions on the District Improvement Committee, Campus Improvement Committees, and other committees that contribute to the success of the district.
Finance and Operations
Alvin ISD will be efficient managers of district resources and will prioritize expenditures through careful planning and alignment with identified goals.
District goals and priorities will be supported with appropriate budget allocations.
Alvin ISD will honor a commitment of transparency by making information related to the district budget, tax rate, and fiscal accountability ratings readily accessible on the district website.