Communities in Schools

April McGuire

April McGuire

Email April McGuire

Communities websites

Telephone Number: 281-245-2267

Room Number: B126

Operation Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


I am pleased to invite your child to participate in the CIS program. CIS is dedicated to meeting the needs of our students through supportive guidance, health and human services, parental involvement, pre-employment, enrichment, and academics in a personal one-to-one relationship. CIS supports the students’ positive growth and achievement by addressing individual needs in a caring, personalized, holistic, and accountable manner.

During the school year, your child will participate in enrichment and academic activities. This may include mentoring, peer mediation, support groups, academic support, community service projects, college field trips, and recreational activities. CIS also provides one on one supportive guidance that will help the student to improve attendance, academic performance, and behavior.
 I believe that your child will benefit from involvement in CIS. All services are provided at NO COST to the students and their families who are enrolled in the CIS program.
Please feel free to call or contact me if you have any questions. Thank you and I look forward to working with you and your child. 
Guardians and students, please sign up for CIS text alerts. This is how I let you know about field trips, give aways, activities, etc. Text @mrsmcgu to 651-222-9414