
Welcome to Alvin ISD! We are so glad you are here!

Enrolling in the current school year?

You are considered a new student if you have never attended an Alvin ISD school. Click the New Student button below for information on enrolling your student.

You are considered a returning student if you have attended Alvin ISD in the past or if you already have a Skyward Family Access log on. Click the Returning Student button below for more information on enrolling your student.

Enrolling in the 24-25 school year? Find information below about:

  • Pre-Kindergarten Roundup

  • Kindergarten Roundup

  • New to Alvin ISD Student Enrollment (Never attended AISD schools)

  • Prior Alvin ISD/Returning Student Enrollment (Attended AISD in prior years but did not complete last school year in AISD)

Enrollment is based on your home address.  Click HERE to determine your child's zoned campus. 

2024-2025 Back to School Registration students will open in July for students who completed the 23-24 school year in Alvin ISD. Check back for more details!